The Sunstruck Forest

Miscellaneous information

Interesting names

On looking through all these old registers you come across some fascinating names. I have started noting a few as I go as it is very difficult to just pass them by.

Anne Silverlock 1815
Henry Sadgrove 1830
John Sunshine 1833 (quite a few of these in the 1700's)
Fraunces Strangwish 1617, Acton
Mrs Sweetapple 1725, Acton
John Hogsflesh 1606/07, Pulborough
Mary Strongewidge  Archdeaconry Court, Herringman Register. 171.
Caleb Goodenough 1761
Harriet Squelch 1832, Dunsfold
Jacob Strongitharme 1604, Leics. (name derived from "Strong in the arms" and could be an early version of Armstrong?)
Johnes Shukkysborow 1537

Richmond, Surrey 1746/7 Feb 16.
James and Susanna, Tweens, son and dau. of James and Dorothy Higsbish.

Elizabeth Strudder 1633 Hillingdon burials
John Sudwictes 1655/6 Hillingdon bannes

Rebecca Streagwick Servant, Unmarried, 17, Birthplace: Middx Bayswater
Census Return 30 March, 1851, Barnsbury
Village of Manor of Barnsbury
City of Borough of Finsbury
Ecclesiastical District of Trinity
Parish or Township of Islington
(Servant to Gibson Family at 6 Belisha Villas West)

Marie Ardouin in Huguenot registers was married at Stepney as Mary Harding.
(Good example of the way the church "corrected" names)

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